
Airbnb Clone 2기

기간: 2020년 11월 9일 ~ 12월 7일
총 신청자: 169명
최종 졸업생: 15명
12/6/2020 20:13:59
I've used the windows subsystem for Linux and I tried to install Elastic Beanstalk but every try was failed. I couldn't find what the problem is...ㅠㅠㅠㅠ Anyway, this challenge was great to know about Django and get the basic knowledge about how to use it. To be honest, if Hogwarts students were to learn Expecto Petronum for the first time, they would feel like this. LMAO 😂😂😂😂 Something magic happened but they couldn't understand what's going on. Of course I know these lectures are only for 4 weeks and it's amazing enough that I get used to using Django. But every time I got the error, to fix it took a long time because I didn't know exactly how Django act.So, I have a few suggestions about this.First, It would be nice to subdivide the progress of the challenge to follow up the challenge. I thought it was possible to follow until the third week of the challenge, but it was really really hard from the fourth week. I think the level gap has suddenly increased.Second, it would be good to write down the goals of the assignment explicitly. I can't remember which day was hard to understand the goal, but it might be to make form mixins and login affirmation part. here is a Slack chat and he felt like what I felt. it will be great to understand the goal of the challenge by writing down what functions exactly challengers have to make and adding a figure of how it should be shown in the front app.And the last, it's minor issues, but there are some errors at the Airbnb progress table on day 10 and day 23. At the table, day 10 progress lectures are sections 12 and 23, which is exactly the same as day 15 and 16. And on day 23, there are no lectures after 20.12.It's just my opinion, so I hope you listen to it as one of many other opinions. Anyway, there are many great things about this challenge.First, this Airbnb clone coding lecture itself is great organized and even if students are new to Django, they can learn what functions it has and what we can build through it by following the lecture step by step. This lecture is really good to learn practical skills and after finishing this challenge, I have confidence that I can make the application what I want via Django (it will take a long time though).Second, you are such a good teacher and your teaching style really takes into account exactly what the beginner doesn't know. As I listened to the lecture, I could feel how much you had prepared to make this. You might have thought a lot to teach the contents easier. And I so appreciate your kind explanation.Third, the content not only on how to use Django but also the tips about vscode and other tools for development was really helpful. These practical tips are quite hard to get if I'm not working on the development part, so your tips are so great to know how developers work.After this challenge, I really learned a lot thanks to you. I think I might see you again on the next airbnb clone coding challenge🤣 but next time, I will learn more and can show better performance. Thanks for all your lectures and challenge homework!! Merry Christmas!